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Earle Arney's comment to the new Government's planning policies set out in the King's Speech this morning:

"It’s encouraging to see planning reform highlighted in the King’s Speech and the Chancellor's recent address, showing the Government’s intent to drive growth through construction. However, reinstating housing targets to build 1.5 million homes in five years requires not just ambition and 'cookbooks’ for picturesque towns, but a holistic approach coupled with a detailed plan that both develops new local communities and intensifies existing urban and sub-urban areas. I don’t think the Green Belt is what hinders development — the handbrake is our unpredictable and politicised planning system. We need immediate action updating the NPPF and unlocking land across the country. It has been reassuring to see Labour committing to increased resources (however small), streamlined approvals, and stable policies that businesses can rely on. But, the real challenge lies in translating these bold promises into actionable, timely policies that foster collaboration between public and private sectors and truly enables us to build Britain for the future."

Read the comment in the Architect's Journal by clicking here