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Engaging with Hackney Council to learn from Melbourne's character and urban fabric of interconnected laneways

We recently joined Hackney Council on a virtual tour of Melbourne, delving into its laneways and how adaptive reuse strategies can enrich placemaking and enhance a city's appeal.

Engaging in a fruitful discussion with councillors, we exchanged insights and learned from the experiences of both growing global towns. Our conversation centred on collaboration, placemaking, and adaptive reuse—essential elements for creating vibrant, community-oriented spaces.

This exploration was particularly relevant to our expertise as a global studio with a presence in Hackney and through our affiliated studio, Fender Katsalidis, in Melbourne. A heartfelt thanks from us to Hackney, the City of Melbourne, and all collaborators for their invaluable insights. Thank you to James Pearce from Fender Katsalidis for his presentation.

As a Hackney-based studio, we are excited about further opportunities to take part in positive placemaking in this incredible neighbourhood.

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